Tuesday, November 8, 2011

How To Stop Hair Loss

Many people are asking about what to do in order to stop hair falling out. You might be one of them. The good news is that hair loss is not a terminal condition. It is neither an issue about life and death. 

Experiencing hair loss is not a disease. Although some of the reason is that is acquired genetically but is nevertheless a contagious disease. You might be living under the shadow of shame and distress. Feeling embarrassed or even humiliated in public are just some of the normal consequences.

It’s not too late to stop hair falling out. There are solutions for that. In fact, so many natural or organic treatments, remedies, therapies and medications are available today.

Hair loss should not stop you from living the kind of life you want to enjoy. The truth is that you are not the only person suffering in this world from loss of hair. There are millions of people regardless of age suffering the same condition but they have overcome this particular condition. You can do it too. Let us examine proven and effective methods to avoid loss of hair.

Effective Ways To Avoid Hair Loss

  • Drink Water as Recommended Daily
Water is the best body cleaner to wash the body from impurities and toxins. So when you drink water from 10 to 14 glasses daily, hair loss is prevented. The toxins and impurities are one of the causes of hair loss for some people. But avoid drinking water with Chlorine and lead. These chemicals would contribute to hair fall. For a truly healthy and glowing hair, drink enough water for a day.

  • Eliminate Caffeine from Your Diet
Caffeine is highly diuretic. It means that it has the power to eliminate body fluids through urination more of than how much you intake. This is why it sometimes causes dehydration or the loss of excessive body fluids. When Too much water or body fluids is removed from your body, your skin, scalp and particularly the roots of your hair become so dry leading to hair fallout. So, for your coffee, you need to look under the label if it has caffeine or not. You can also your coffee with some other healthy drinks like milk, tea, or juices.

  • Regular intake of multi-vitamins and minerals
One of the leading causes of excessive hair fall is an indication nutrient deficiency in the body. Sometimes, a healthy and a well-balanced diet is not enough to satisfy the nutrients that your body needs. This is the reason why you need to have a regular intake of multi-vitamins and minerals. To stop hair falling out, make sure that there is a sufficient supply of vitamins and minerals in your blood stream.
Folic acid is also best known for hair revival and growth. This vitamin is available in any drug stores. What the good thing about folic acid is that it is found in foods, which you can include in your daily menu. Foods that are high in folic acid are green vegetables, carrots, and soybeans.

Another nutrient essential for controlling hair fall is protein. It also has this ability to strengthen the hair. So make sure that you eat protein-rich foods. Include foods like eggs, milk, fish and nuts in your diet.
  • Get enough Sleep
Getting enough time of sleep gives you a bunch of health benefits. One major benefit is preventing hair loss from occurring. Always remember that sleeping is the body’s mechanism of rejuvenating and repairing damaged cells and organs. Sleeping is also the best time to remove body toxins that may be the cause from excessive hair fall.

  • Choose the best hair products
 If you use a shampoo or a conditioner to your hair, you should know what these products are made of. Hair products which have strong or stringent chemicals or substances in it are not good to use always. Read the label carefully. Many people are unaware that the hair products they are using are the reasons for the hair fallout dilemma. Hair loss can be prevented if you choose well enough products which nourish not only your hair but also your scalp as well.

After choosing the best hair product that works well perfectly for your hair, do not use it daily or oftener. Shampooing every day might put your hair at great risk. The natural oils that your scalp produces is washed off by the chemicals present in your shampoo. This causes dehydration around the scalp area and leads to hair loss

  • Protect your hair from too much heat 
Avoid staying longer hours under the sun without putting on a hair protection. You can use a hat if you are supposed to be staying under so much heat from the sun. This will prevent damaging your scalp. It would also prevent your scalp from cracking out. This way, you can stop hair falling out.

When using a blower or a hair dryer, do not forget to apply a protein hair-lotion before doing it. This will serve as protection from damaging your hair.

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