Drop your cholesterol level
Do you have high cholesterol? Are you watching closely to what you eat, your food choices, the amount of food, and possibly your calorie intake? If you don’t know the answer or you think you are having high cholesterol level in your body, then it’s time to make some changes in your diet and lifestyle.
So what would be the first thing to do to lower your cholesterol levels?
First is you need to do some exercise. But be sure to exercise moderately. Do not push yourself too much for excessive exercise could stress you out.
Second, choose the right kind of food. You need to eat a low-fat diet by watching over what you eat. Avoid fatty and highly saturated foods. If you do both exercise and eating a low-fat diet, this surely lower down the cholesterol levels in your body. As a result, the bad cholesterol (LDL) will certainly drop while your good cholesterol (HDL) will increase.
In the basic food groups, there are two sources of cholesterol. One is the kind of food that comes from animals, which includes cheese, butter, cream, milk and eggs. The second comes from foods which are high in saturated fats, which includes foods that are rich in oil content. There is what we also call as trans fats, which are used in processed foods and are known as hydrogenated oil. This increases the bad cholesterol while decreasing the levels of good cholesterol in your body.
According to studies, the normal cholesterol level an average male should have should not exceed more than 30g of saturated fat per day. The average female, on the other hand should also not have exceeded a daily intake of 20g saturated fat.
Foods for Lowering High Cholesterol
Here’s what you must know. Having high cholesterol levels in your body is not viewed as a worst medical condition. Certainly because there are many things that you can do in order to lower your high cholesterol. The best remedy to drop your cholesterol which is very simple yet effective method is the preparation of foods for lowering high cholesterol that you can do in the comfort of your own home.
So here are the right foods for lowering high cholesterol:
First, what you need to eat are whole grain wheat and cereals. These are significant sources of soluble fiber that will aid your body in the absorption of bad cholesterol in your blood stream. What you can simply do is replacing your bread made from white flour by whole grain bread or a wheat bread. Whole grain bread or wheat bread are healthier to eat.
Second, eat oats during breakfast. Oats, oat meals, or oat bran cereal are rich in soluble fiber which eradicates your bad cholesterol levels. Aside from eating healthy and eliminating bad cholesterols, this will ensure regular bowel movement. This will be one of the good recipes for lowering high cholesterol.
Third, choose fruits for your snacks or in-between meals. This is a great recipe to lower high cholesterol rather than eating highly sweetened and fatty snacks. Fruit that are good sources of soluble fiber are those rich in vitamin C. It also includes grapes, berries, and currant.
Fourth, eating nuts is one sure way of lowering high cholesterol. Nuts are rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids that reduce your blood cholesterol levels. It includes walnuts, almonds, pecans, peanuts, pistachios and pine-nuts. But do not over eat nuts. Based on American FDA, a handful of nuts a day is enough to lower high cholesterol levels in body. It could also lower the risk of heart diseases. Nuts include walnuts, pecans, almonds, peanuts, pistachios and pine nuts.
Fifth, another source of polyunsaturated food in the extra virgin olive oil. It would not lower high cholesterol levels in your body but would rather increase your HDL or good cholesterol levels. It is recommended that you need to have an intake of 2 tablespoons or 23 grams of olive oil a day. Or you could just dissolve it into some of your food by using it as a substitute for butter or cooking oil. This is one of the great recipes for lowering high cholesterol in your body.
Sixth, you need to eat green, leafy vegetables. Vegetables are rich sources of low-fat protein. Spinach, kale and broccoli re excellent. You could also have garlic, avocado, legumes or beans. You can actually make some delicious recipes for lowering high cholesterol because of its high content on soluble fiber.
Lastly, eating fish, particularly the mackerel, halibut, herring, sardines, trout, and fresh salmon and tuna are great foods that lower your cholesterol. These foods are rich in omega 3 fatty acids that improves your LDL:HDL cholesterol ratio. It also prevents high blood pressure and the risk of blood clot formation in the body. The recommended intake should be 2-3 portions of fish per week. Other sources of omega 3 are found in flaxseed, canola oil and flaxseed oil.
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