Saturday, November 12, 2011

The Disadvantages of Having Bad Breath

Bad breath is so common that it shouldn’t be an embarrassment, but it is. Bad breath forces those who regularly experience this problem with a series of devastating challenges.
For instance:
Need a bad breath cure?Bad Breath Crushes Self-Esteem. It’s hard to feel good about yourself or your abilities when you’re worried that others are offended by the smell of your bad breath. Bad breath replaces self-esteem with self-doubt.
Bad Breath Destroys Intimacy. There’s nothing attractive about foul odors. Additionally, those with chronic or recurring bad breath literally become less attractive due to losses in self-confidence. If you have bad breath, you’re likely to attract fewer mates, to do less dating, to have less sex and to “settle” for relationships that really don’t measure up to what you want or deserve.
Bad Breath Shrinks Income. If you have halitosis, you’re part of a group that tends to make less money and that struggles more with career advancement than others do. Bad breath has a negative impact on income and professional opportunity.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Easy Do-it-Yourself Nail Designs

Putting on nail designs is a very easy and convenient way of making your feet appear totally fabulous. Putting nail designs on your toe nails could be a stress-reliever on a boring day. 

We surely want to keep our toe nails good-looking. This is very important for good grooming and hygiene especially for women. Aside from this, women want to add on some great and artistic designs after placing the nail polish

The feet could be a major turn-on for our lovers. But this is so, only if we have neat, clean and nice looking toe nails. However, it will be most attractive if women put on some nail designs for a chic and stylish look. 

So after pedicure, a simple nail art design can be placed on your nail polish. This is very easy and you do it yourself.

The following are simple steps of nail designs do it yourself:

                                  Zebra Stripes

1. Trim your toenails with its proper length. When necessary, you can make use of the emery board in order to file sharp edges.

2. Apply the base coat on your toe nails. The base coat is important because it will prevent your toenails from getting stained.

3. Apply the white nail polish on every toe nails right after the base coat has dried. Then let it dry.

4. By using a toothpick or a brush, dip it into a black-colored nail polish. Then use it to paint or draw lines the same that look like the skin of a zebra. Apply the lines or stripes lightly.  Let it dry.

5. The Zebra Stripes nail design do it yourself is done. But you need to apply the top coat in order to protect the nail design. This can prevent the nail design from cracking and easily washed away.

Polka Dots

1. Follow the same steps 1, 2 and 3 above (Zebra Stripes).

2. Choose your desired polka dots color that you want to put in your toe nails. Make sure that is the two colors of nail polish for polka dots design should be contrasting. You can have white dots over red nail polish.

3. Apply the background nail polish first. Dry it completely.

4. By using a thin brush or a toothpick, drop some small spots on your toe nails.

5. The Polka Dots nail design do it yourself is done. But you need to apply the top coat in order to protect the nail design. This can prevent the nail design from cracking and easily washed away.

Following the simple steps of applying nail designs do it yourself is easy. So make your nail polish attractive by adding Zebra stripes or Polka dots. It will surely make your feet look lovely and attractive.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Correct Methods Of Hair Care

People often experience excessive hair fall because of the bad methods in caring for their hair. It is just so sad that some bad habits are practiced. More often, what’s attractive to look at may not always be healthy like keeping your hair straight or curly. Chemicals used in hair straightening and curling agents are harmful for the hair. These are some bad practices that need to be stopped at an early stage or somehow reduce it.

To stop hair from falling out, below are correct methods of hair care:

Use lukewarm water to rinse hair. Do not shower or wash the hair with cold or hot water. Doing it causes the hair to brittle making it damaged, thus leading to hair fall. Rinse your scalp carefully to make it clean.

Always keep the hair clean. When you shower, do not only focus on the hair. Include your scalp in washing. Having a clean and healthy scalp makes hair grow fast. If you’re scalp is not regularly washed and cleaned, dirt will stay and clog those hair follicles. This will be the reason why you hair growth is slow or new hairs will find difficulty to grow.

Remember that you should not use shampoo every time you wash. Cleaning your hair and scalp with water alone is enough. The frequent use of shampoo often leads to hair breakage. If you use shampoo or conditioner, rinse it thoroughly. Do not allow the shampoo or the conditioner to be left in your scalp or hair. The chemicals in it are some causes of hair loss.

Massage the scalp. Massaging the scalp aids in the circulation of blood. It also helps in the growth of hair. When there is normal blood flow, nutrients in your bloodstream are distributed and utilized by the scalp. To do a scalp massage, both hands should be placed on the head. Make some small circular formation by adding just enough pressure on your head in slow motion. Scalp massaging is an effective way to stop hair falling out.

Use a lubricant for the hair. Using a hair lubricant moisturizes the hair. It prevents the formation of split ends and reduces the chances of hair breakage. But avoid putting too much oil, moisturizer or lubricant. It will surely be getting too much dust and dirt, which may clog your hair follicles.

To stop hair from falling out, follow the effective and proven ways and methods of hair care. It does not require so much of your time and effort. By following those helpful tips, hair loss will never get in your way. It’s never too late. Remove the barriers of thinking negatively. Follow the simple methods and you’ll surely see the results. You can actually stop hair falling out.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

How To Stop Hair Loss

Many people are asking about what to do in order to stop hair falling out. You might be one of them. The good news is that hair loss is not a terminal condition. It is neither an issue about life and death. 

Experiencing hair loss is not a disease. Although some of the reason is that is acquired genetically but is nevertheless a contagious disease. You might be living under the shadow of shame and distress. Feeling embarrassed or even humiliated in public are just some of the normal consequences.

It’s not too late to stop hair falling out. There are solutions for that. In fact, so many natural or organic treatments, remedies, therapies and medications are available today.

Hair loss should not stop you from living the kind of life you want to enjoy. The truth is that you are not the only person suffering in this world from loss of hair. There are millions of people regardless of age suffering the same condition but they have overcome this particular condition. You can do it too. Let us examine proven and effective methods to avoid loss of hair.

Effective Ways To Avoid Hair Loss

  • Drink Water as Recommended Daily
Water is the best body cleaner to wash the body from impurities and toxins. So when you drink water from 10 to 14 glasses daily, hair loss is prevented. The toxins and impurities are one of the causes of hair loss for some people. But avoid drinking water with Chlorine and lead. These chemicals would contribute to hair fall. For a truly healthy and glowing hair, drink enough water for a day.

  • Eliminate Caffeine from Your Diet
Caffeine is highly diuretic. It means that it has the power to eliminate body fluids through urination more of than how much you intake. This is why it sometimes causes dehydration or the loss of excessive body fluids. When Too much water or body fluids is removed from your body, your skin, scalp and particularly the roots of your hair become so dry leading to hair fallout. So, for your coffee, you need to look under the label if it has caffeine or not. You can also your coffee with some other healthy drinks like milk, tea, or juices.

  • Regular intake of multi-vitamins and minerals
One of the leading causes of excessive hair fall is an indication nutrient deficiency in the body. Sometimes, a healthy and a well-balanced diet is not enough to satisfy the nutrients that your body needs. This is the reason why you need to have a regular intake of multi-vitamins and minerals. To stop hair falling out, make sure that there is a sufficient supply of vitamins and minerals in your blood stream.
Folic acid is also best known for hair revival and growth. This vitamin is available in any drug stores. What the good thing about folic acid is that it is found in foods, which you can include in your daily menu. Foods that are high in folic acid are green vegetables, carrots, and soybeans.

Another nutrient essential for controlling hair fall is protein. It also has this ability to strengthen the hair. So make sure that you eat protein-rich foods. Include foods like eggs, milk, fish and nuts in your diet.
  • Get enough Sleep
Getting enough time of sleep gives you a bunch of health benefits. One major benefit is preventing hair loss from occurring. Always remember that sleeping is the body’s mechanism of rejuvenating and repairing damaged cells and organs. Sleeping is also the best time to remove body toxins that may be the cause from excessive hair fall.

  • Choose the best hair products
 If you use a shampoo or a conditioner to your hair, you should know what these products are made of. Hair products which have strong or stringent chemicals or substances in it are not good to use always. Read the label carefully. Many people are unaware that the hair products they are using are the reasons for the hair fallout dilemma. Hair loss can be prevented if you choose well enough products which nourish not only your hair but also your scalp as well.

After choosing the best hair product that works well perfectly for your hair, do not use it daily or oftener. Shampooing every day might put your hair at great risk. The natural oils that your scalp produces is washed off by the chemicals present in your shampoo. This causes dehydration around the scalp area and leads to hair loss

  • Protect your hair from too much heat 
Avoid staying longer hours under the sun without putting on a hair protection. You can use a hat if you are supposed to be staying under so much heat from the sun. This will prevent damaging your scalp. It would also prevent your scalp from cracking out. This way, you can stop hair falling out.

When using a blower or a hair dryer, do not forget to apply a protein hair-lotion before doing it. This will serve as protection from damaging your hair.

Monday, November 7, 2011

The Most Effective All Natural Energy Supplements

Have you been feeling sluggish, slow and lifeless lately?

Then you need to look for an all natural energy supplements that will help your body move fast and gain energy. But the problem is that there are too many energy supplements flooding the stores today. It would be surely difficult to choose the best one that could address your body’s needs. You should wisely pick out the most effective one. 

So this is why I am sharing to you this article to let you know the best and the most effective all natural energy boosters. These does not harm your body in any way since these are all-natural and there will be no side-effects compared to the artificial ones that are sold in the market today.

The Gotu Kola
Gotu kola is a popular herb, which is known to be useful for many people for over a thousand of years. The Gotu Kola revitalizes and restores our brain cells and nerves. It helps you to stay focus and minimizing the level of exhaustion your body feels. It helps in good blood circulation and aids in supporting the strength of your capillaries and veins. After taking this herb, you will be renewed in a state of being energetic.

The Gink Biloba
The Ginko biloba is famous for improving blood circulation all over the entire body. It has this therapeutic effect that helps you stay alert while being relaxed. The Ginko Biloba is probably the buyer’s choice because it has been proven to be effective in boosting energy over the body. It helps increase the oxygen levels that flow into your heart and brain. It is also known to help cleanse your skin from the radicals and impurities in our environment.

The Ashwagandha
Ashwagandha is such a powerful energy supplement. It is an all natural energy supplement that comes in a small appearance with green color which has also green flowers and fruits that are amazingly red. The Ashwagandha is best used by patients who just recovered from their illness. It is known to be powerful because it help regain the strength of a person. It repairs damaged cells and enhance the body’s energy levels.

The Kava-Kava
The Kava-kava looks like a pepper that reduces the pressure and strain that your muscles are experiencing. It is also best known lower down the anxiety of a person. But this all natural energy supplement will also make you sleep longer. The good thing is, while your body is asleep, the energy of your body will not drop. After waking up, it gives you the upbeat feeling and vitality while ending your sleeping problems or insomnia.

The Siberian Ginseng
The Siberian ginseng is an all natural energy supplement that has the ability to improve your physical activity and mental alertness. Over the years, the Siberian ginseng is popular in providing energy boosting power for athletes, old people and others who need energy to face their day-to-day activities. Aside from gaining energy, the Siberian ginseng helps your body and mind be relieved from stress and being tired.

Feeling disappointed today that it feels like crawling than walking and running around? Does it feel like you need exercise but your body is glued to the ground? Try the most effective all natural energy supplements I just told you and you will be amazed by its effects. 

How To Drop Your High Cholesterol Level

Drop your cholesterol level

Do you have high cholesterol? Are you watching closely to what you eat, your food choices, the amount of food, and possibly your calorie intake? If you don’t know the answer or you think you are having high cholesterol level in your body, then it’s time to make some changes in your diet and lifestyle.

So what would be the first thing to do to lower your cholesterol levels?

First is you need to do some exercise. But be sure to exercise moderately. Do not push yourself too much for excessive exercise could stress you out. 

Second, choose the right kind of food. You need to eat a low-fat diet by watching over what you eat. Avoid fatty and highly saturated foods. If you do both exercise and eating a low-fat diet, this surely lower down the cholesterol levels in your body. As a result, the bad cholesterol (LDL) will certainly drop while your good cholesterol (HDL) will increase.

In the basic food groups, there are two sources of cholesterol. One is the kind of food that comes from animals, which includes cheese, butter, cream, milk and eggs. The second comes from foods which are high in saturated fats, which includes foods that are rich in oil content. There is what we also call as trans fats, which are used in processed foods and are known as hydrogenated oil. This increases the bad cholesterol while decreasing the levels of good cholesterol in your body.
According to studies, the normal cholesterol level an average male should have should not exceed more than 30g of saturated fat per day. The average female, on the other hand should also not have exceeded a daily intake of 20g saturated fat.

Foods for Lowering High Cholesterol
Here’s what you must know.  Having high cholesterol levels in your body is not viewed as a worst medical condition. Certainly because there are many things that you can do in order to lower your high cholesterol. The best remedy to drop your cholesterol which is very simple yet effective method is the preparation of foods for lowering high cholesterol that you can do in the comfort of your own home.
So here are the right foods for lowering high cholesterol:

First, what you need to eat are whole grain wheat and cereals. These are significant sources of soluble fiber that will aid your body in the absorption of bad cholesterol in your blood stream. What you can simply do is replacing your bread made from white flour by whole grain bread or a wheat bread. Whole grain bread or wheat bread are healthier to eat.
Second, eat oats during breakfast. Oats, oat meals, or oat bran cereal are rich in soluble fiber which eradicates your bad cholesterol levels. Aside from eating healthy and eliminating bad cholesterols, this will ensure regular bowel movement. This will be one of the good recipes for lowering high cholesterol.

Third, choose fruits for your snacks or in-between meals. This is a great recipe to lower high cholesterol rather than eating highly sweetened and fatty snacks. Fruit that are good sources of soluble fiber are those rich in vitamin C. It also includes grapes, berries, and currant.
Fourth, eating nuts is one sure way of lowering high cholesterol. Nuts are rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids that reduce your blood cholesterol levels.   It includes walnuts, almonds, pecans, peanuts, pistachios and pine-nuts. But do not over eat nuts. Based on American FDA, a handful of nuts a day is enough to lower high cholesterol levels in body. It could also lower the risk of heart diseases. Nuts include walnuts, pecans, almonds, peanuts, pistachios and pine nuts.
Fifth, another source of polyunsaturated food in the extra virgin olive oil. It would not lower high cholesterol levels in your body but would rather increase your HDL or good cholesterol levels. It is recommended that you need to have an intake of 2 tablespoons or 23 grams of olive oil a day. Or you could just dissolve it into some of your food by using it as a substitute for butter or cooking oil. This is one of the great recipes for lowering high cholesterol in your body.
Sixth, you need to eat green, leafy vegetables. Vegetables are rich sources of low-fat protein. Spinach, kale and broccoli re excellent. You could also have garlic, avocado, legumes or beans. You can actually make some delicious recipes for lowering high cholesterol because of its high content on soluble fiber.
Lastly, eating fish, particularly the mackerel, halibut, herring, sardines, trout, and fresh salmon and tuna are great foods that lower your cholesterol. These foods are rich in omega 3 fatty acids that improves your LDL:HDL cholesterol ratio. It also prevents high blood pressure and the risk of blood clot formation in the body. The recommended intake should be 2-3 portions of fish per week. Other sources of omega 3 are found in flaxseed, canola oil and flaxseed oil.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Dark Under Arms - Causes and Natural Remedies

Causes of Dark Armpits

Dark armpit skin color is a serious problem for many women. This makes women  drop the level of their confidence especially when wearing a sleeveless dress. But what is really causing the darkness in your underarm area? 
Here are five factors that darken your underarm skin:
When you shave your armpits, then you cut the hair on your skin. Asians have black both hair and fur, which is certainly darker than your skin color. This makes the skin appear darker.

Dead skin cells
Black area around your armpit may be caused by dead skin trapped in your skin microscopic. This was disclosed by some dermatologist.

Deodorant and antiperspirant
Theoretically, deodorant and antiperspirant contain some products which can react to your skin and cause skin discoloration. This is expressed by many people who claim that when they stop using the product, the dark areas on their armpit skin are gone.

Medical condition called acanthosis nigricans
This condition causes light brown to black in your neck, armpits and groin. This can be associated with insulin production or gland disorder and usually occurs in people who are overweight.

This condition makes your skin produce excessive melamine pigment. This usually doesn’t affect your armpit skin so that rarely happens.

Natural Remedies For Dark Underarms

On the home front, you can try rubbing slice of lemon onto your underarms as it acts as an excellent bleaching agent. If you have blisters in the region wait for it to heal before using lemon as it may cause a burning sensation.

Coconut oil is a popular remedy for skin eczema and the vitamins and minerals it contains will nourish the skin. It acts as a natural moisturizer and will lighten the area in a few months. A paste made out of rose water and sandalwood powder can be applied onto the underarms and washed off in 20 minutes with cold water. You can also mix half a teaspoon of turmeric powder, the juice of half a lemon and a teaspoon of cucumber juice till it is in a paste form. Apply this on the darkened region and rinse thoroughly in 15-20 minutes. The antiseptic properties of turmeric will help clear out any infection and you should be able to see results in a month or so. Dry orange peels in the shade and grind it to make a semi-fine powder. Mix it into half a cup of unflavored yogurt and use as a scrub over your underarms. Apart from this you can try mixing milk, yogurt, and gram flour in equal proportions and add a pinch of turmeric powder to it. Apply onto the area and rinse off when completely dry. Potatoes thinly sliced and placed over the region can also help to a great extent.