Sunday, November 6, 2011

Dark Under Arms - Causes and Natural Remedies

Causes of Dark Armpits

Dark armpit skin color is a serious problem for many women. This makes women  drop the level of their confidence especially when wearing a sleeveless dress. But what is really causing the darkness in your underarm area? 
Here are five factors that darken your underarm skin:
When you shave your armpits, then you cut the hair on your skin. Asians have black both hair and fur, which is certainly darker than your skin color. This makes the skin appear darker.

Dead skin cells
Black area around your armpit may be caused by dead skin trapped in your skin microscopic. This was disclosed by some dermatologist.

Deodorant and antiperspirant
Theoretically, deodorant and antiperspirant contain some products which can react to your skin and cause skin discoloration. This is expressed by many people who claim that when they stop using the product, the dark areas on their armpit skin are gone.

Medical condition called acanthosis nigricans
This condition causes light brown to black in your neck, armpits and groin. This can be associated with insulin production or gland disorder and usually occurs in people who are overweight.

This condition makes your skin produce excessive melamine pigment. This usually doesn’t affect your armpit skin so that rarely happens.

Natural Remedies For Dark Underarms

On the home front, you can try rubbing slice of lemon onto your underarms as it acts as an excellent bleaching agent. If you have blisters in the region wait for it to heal before using lemon as it may cause a burning sensation.

Coconut oil is a popular remedy for skin eczema and the vitamins and minerals it contains will nourish the skin. It acts as a natural moisturizer and will lighten the area in a few months. A paste made out of rose water and sandalwood powder can be applied onto the underarms and washed off in 20 minutes with cold water. You can also mix half a teaspoon of turmeric powder, the juice of half a lemon and a teaspoon of cucumber juice till it is in a paste form. Apply this on the darkened region and rinse thoroughly in 15-20 minutes. The antiseptic properties of turmeric will help clear out any infection and you should be able to see results in a month or so. Dry orange peels in the shade and grind it to make a semi-fine powder. Mix it into half a cup of unflavored yogurt and use as a scrub over your underarms. Apart from this you can try mixing milk, yogurt, and gram flour in equal proportions and add a pinch of turmeric powder to it. Apply onto the area and rinse off when completely dry. Potatoes thinly sliced and placed over the region can also help to a great extent.

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